Upskill In 2024
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This lecture was presented at the Coach Catalyst Virtual Super Coach Summit and is intended to simplify programming for newer and developing coaches. This is a lite version of a chapter from our physique development course coming soon!
This lecture was created with one intention. To help you understand the necessity of having a purpose for your business. It is no longer acceptable to be a coach simply showing up week to week! It's time to go deeper and change the world!
In this Lecture, Head Coach Ben dives into the basics and science of sleep. The whos, whats, when of sleep. Understanding a basic yet more complex level of sleep science to empower you as a coach or client to maximise your results!!
This lecture is a single video format, repurposed from an athlete's performance workshop. This lecture is recorded to help you better understand your identity and the social narrative you have built/ created/fostered, but also why it matters.
Learn how to effectively set goals and get to the root of your or your client's motivations. Goal setting is so much more than a SMART goal with real science and art to its process. Help your clients get more out of their training and life!